Getting The Most of Your Job Offer

Have you received a job offer recently? Unsure on how to proceed next? Regardless of whether you plan to accept the position, you’ll want to conduct yourself in a way that won’t come back to bite you later.

Whilst receiving a job offer can be exciting, negotiating the offer can be daunting. We are to help you. We have put together some tips to ensure you’re getting the most of your job offer:

Don’t negotiate on the spot!

Wait a few days after receiving the offer before engaging in negotiations. Give yourself time to understand the offer in its entirety and come up with a strategy based on what you’ve learned.

Do your research!

Enter negotiations with accurate information about the current salary trends in the industry. Learn about the most desired skills, the market demand for your position, and compare starting salaries.

Prove your worth!

You need to show them why you’re worth the investment, so come prepared. Share concrete examples of your skills and the impact it had on your previous company.

Make sure to mention any additional certifications, specialised technical skills, training or experience.

Factor in perks and benefits

Whilst the take-home salary is clearly important, there are other elements to consider; extra vacation dates, pension, work-from-home schedule &  more.

If you’re considering multiple offers, compare the perks and benefits.

Make all of your requests at one time

Make sure to present all your conditions at once.

Remember to practice your delivery and stay positive! A no for one condition is not a no for all of them. Good Luck!